Scammer on craigslist hamburg with apartment, technically two apartments. first red flag was staged fotos, the price, then the two names of patterson and peterson. finally a story about time wasters and some french woman, needing to send their lawyers something, when obviously they were buying time themselves. so I told them that my law firm in hamburg had a branch in duluth, and the public records showed their IP address and their location, so my lawyers would serve them, both the names, my salary papers in person.
#88773 | 2018-08-26 06:06:13
Almost fall for it!
He had a very cheap apartment for rent in Hamburg posted through Craigslist.
Funny that the person is called Wolfgang Patterson but sings as Wolfgang Peterson.
That was my first red flag. I carried on just for the thrill of it.
I have an email as well
Scammer on craigslist hamburg with apartment, technically two apartments. first red flag was staged fotos, the price, then the two names of patterson and peterson. finally a story about time wasters and some french woman, needing to send their lawyers something, when obviously they were buying time themselves. so I told them that my law firm in hamburg had a branch in duluth, and the public records showed their IP address and their location, so my lawyers would serve them, both the names, my salary papers in person.
Almost fall for it! He had a very cheap apartment for rent in Hamburg posted through Craigslist. Funny that the person is called Wolfgang Patterson but sings as Wolfgang Peterson. That was my first red flag. I carried on just for the thrill of it. I have an email as well