I answered the whole bullshit story than I select #1. A chick answer Revenue Canada blah blah blah! Than I answered “I guess I’m in trouble” with an assertive... she hang up..... lol
It’s a scam
#45872 | 2020-03-20 16:11:12
The guy said I will be arrested for criminal offense in federal justice if I don’t clic on 1 during the message. I never did oh well
#45554 | 2020-03-20 16:05:54
#30863 | 2020-03-20 12:01:03
Same thing as others have reported that's a scam and they have increased in frequency as more and more people are staying home these days.
#21404 | 2020-03-20 09:23:24
Automated message, threatening with criminal lawsuit. Beware, it's a scam. Number blocked.
#16681 | 2020-03-20 08:04:41
#16457 | 2020-03-20 08:00:57
Left automated message threatening a lawsuit against me. Sounds like a scam.
I answered the whole bullshit story than I select #1. A chick answer Revenue Canada blah blah blah! Than I answered “I guess I’m in trouble” with an assertive... she hang up..... lol It’s a scam
The guy said I will be arrested for criminal offense in federal justice if I don’t clic on 1 during the message. I never did oh well
Same thing as others have reported that's a scam and they have increased in frequency as more and more people are staying home these days.
SCAM Automated message, threatening with criminal lawsuit. Beware, it's a scam. Number blocked.
Left automated message threatening a lawsuit against me. Sounds like a scam.