
Comments about 7753169895

  • #94877 | 2019-05-10 06:27:57

    Relentless phone calls from various combinations of this number from many geographical locations within and out of Nevada including Russia. I keep blocking the numbers but they have many to choose from. My advise to you if you get these calls is just not to answer the phone. If it is a legitimate call then they will most likely leave a message. If they don't then it either was not important or a scam call. Caution, if you do answer these weird numbers some of them actually charge you exorbitant fees and try to keep you on the line for as long as possible to get as much money as they can from you. REPORT THESE TYPES OF CALLS TO YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OR GO TO CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND DO A WORD SEARCH. They provide a contact number to assist you. Medicare and IRS are among some of the scams. Neither of these organizations will call you. They send letters. Good luck