Student Loan SCAMMERS currently using this number... they call with a deceptive message designed to misinform you about FREE Student Loan Relief/Forgiveness Programs that almost nobody qualifies for, and make it sound as if you probably qualify. Then they work to dupe you into paying them a multi-hundred dollar fee in exchange for information that is available freely on the internet. They may also try to take your details and steal your identity. They sometimes claim to be a govt agency themselves, which is a lie.
Student Loan SCAMMERS currently using this number... they call with a deceptive message designed to misinform you about FREE Student Loan Relief/Forgiveness Programs that almost nobody qualifies for, and make it sound as if you probably qualify. Then they work to dupe you into paying them a multi-hundred dollar fee in exchange for information that is available freely on the internet. They may also try to take your details and steal your identity. They sometimes claim to be a govt agency themselves, which is a lie.