Its s SCAM... Someone ysed my phone, info, orfered a 6$... "Bottle of supplements" but the fine print says , after you receive thst bottle, vthey charge you a sub. Gee of 104$. For " subscription.. then somehow,,the fine print,tiny lines an check boxes":Scam you out of another 105$, lorvetc.. and once they get it its gone.. so youl be outtvif up toob259
Its s SCAM... Someone ysed my phone, info, orfered a 6$... "Bottle of supplements" but the fine print says , after you receive thst bottle, vthey charge you a sub. Gee of 104$. For " subscription.. then somehow,,the fine print,tiny lines an check boxes":Scam you out of another 105$, lorvetc.. and once they get it its gone.. so youl be outtvif up toob259